The market is not a playground.

Its a warzone between them taking your money and you taking theirs.

They are experts and will try their best to TAKE YOUR MONEY.

They will manipulate you. They will lie to you. They will misinform you.

Treat everyone as your enemy and stay focused. There is only one thing that doesnt lie. It is the CHARTS.

If you know how to read it, no one can lie to you. No one can misinform you.

It is your job to educate yourself. When market is green they want you to buy more so they can sell on you. When the market is red they want you to sell so they can take your positions.

Understand the game. Understand the players.

Nothing is sure in cypto. But you have a chance. And that is all we need. A fair chance. You may or may not succeed but in the next 12 months, you have a chance to change everything. Either you focus for the next year or one thing is for sure. You will be sitting in the same desk for the next 10-20 years.

Dont waste this opportunity of a life time. This may be the last chance you ever get.

Educate Yourself Here