🚨 50 Cent’s X Account Hacked to Promote Fake Meme Coin

🥷 Rapper 50 Cent's X account was hacked to push a scam meme coin called $GUNIT on the Solana network. #Hackers posted from his account, making it seem like he was endorsing the coin.

🤷 50 Cent denied any involvement, stating on Instagram that his account was hacked. The scammers allegedly made $300 million, but given the coin's #liquidity , that's highly doubtful.🙀😁

👀 Believing the coin was linked to 50 Cent, many fans traded $GUNIT, causing its market cap to hit $6.5 million within an hour before the scam was exposed. The well-crafted posts even referenced 50 Cent’s cognac brand, making the scam seem credible. 🧐 😂

This isn't the first celebrity hack for meme coin promotion - Hulk Hogan faced a similar issue earlier this month with the $HULK #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 .

Stay alert and don’t fall for scams! 🚫💰

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