The Korea Institute of Finance researcher, Bo-mi Lee, presents several arguments against the approval of spot crypto exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in South Korea:

1. **Financial Stability Concerns**: Lee argues that introducing spot crypto ETFs could potentially harm the country's financial stability. The concern stems from the expectation that approving these ETFs would lead to increased capital inflows into the crypto market, especially during periods of rising digital asset prices. This influx could disrupt the efficient allocation of resources within the financial markets.

2. **Impact on Market Liquidity and Financial Health**: The researcher suggests that approving spot crypto ETFs could worsen financial market liquidity and potentially endanger the health of financial companies, particularly when crypto asset prices experience declines. This volatility could exacerbate these risks.

3. **Uncertain Value and High Volatility**: Lee points out the inherent characteristics of digital assets, such as Bitcoin (BTCUSD) and Ether (ETHUSD), which include high volatility and a lack of consensus on their fundamental value. Introducing spot crypto ETFs could mislead market participants into viewing these assets as stable or proven, despite their volatile nature.

4. **Regulatory Preparedness**: According to Lee, regulators must be adequately prepared with comprehensive regulatory measures before approving spot crypto ETFs. This includes measures to mitigate increased risks to investors and the financial market, given the uncertainties surrounding digital assets.

5. **Net Losses Outweighing Benefits**: Overall, Lee argues that based on the experiences of other jurisdictions where spot crypto ETFs have been introduced, the potential losses to financial stability and market efficiency in South Korea could outweigh any perceived benefits. Therefore, more thorough research and analysis are necessary to fully understand these potential impacts before proceeding with approval.

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