Here are six common mistakes that newbies often make and how to steer clear of them:

1) Lack of Basic Crypto Knowledge:

It’s tempting to dive into the crypto world headfirst, especially with all the buzz around $BTC and $altcoins. But investing without understanding the fundamentals is like sailing without a compass. Take the time to learn about different projects, their goals, and how blockchains work. Knowledge is your best investment.

2)Ignoring Fees:

Crypto transactions come with fees—exchange fees, blockchain fees, and more. Imagine buying crypto with a credit card, only to face hefty surcharges and additional fees. Ouch! Research the costs involved before making any moves. Look for exchanges with lower fees and consider timing your purchases wisely.

3) Short-Term Thinking: The allure of quick riches can cloud judgment. Sure, some folks strike gold overnight, but many lose everything just as fast. Instead, think long-term. Focus on quality projects with solid track records. Patience pays off in the crypto world.

4)Keeping Crypto in Online Wallets: Convenience isn’t always safe. Online wallets are vulnerable to hacks and scams. Opt for offline storage (cold wallets) to protect your assets. Remember, security trumps convenience.

5) Investing More Than You Can Afford to Lose: Crypto can be volatile. Don’t bet the farm on it. Only invest what you can afford to lose without losing sleep. Diversify your portfolio across different assets to spread the risk.

5) Avoiding Proper Security Measures:

Treat your crypto like precious treasure. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and keep your private keys offline. A little caution goes a long way.

Remember, crypto is a marathon, not a sprint. Educate yourself, stay informed, and enjoy the ride!