The market is on a downtrend today. Don't feel sad, it will recover in The next couple of weeks . Here is something to do to keep your mind off The current price action.

Have you ever participated in Airdrops? An Airdrop is when a project gives their token to eligible users for certain task that were performed and some as simple as like and retweeting content in FB.

One such Airdrop which is really hyped is $CHERRY. It's on X formally Twitter.

All that is required is to link your Twitter and wallet while you perform task such as like, retweet or comment on any post that has The ticker $CHERRY or has tagged their Twitter pager @CherryOnBlast . Points update every 15minutes automatically. Also you can take part in a jackpot and take your chance t winning in the daily spinning wheel.

It's so easy!

Start by copying The above link and pasting it into your browser and start earning point.

Likes get you 5points

Comments get 10points

Retweets get 15points

There will Also be a PRESALE soon which you can participate in if you like.

I'm really excited about this one and so are The other 35,000 participants. Let's ride The $CHERRY train together and earn some good coin on Blast.