Cool is a fickle and fleeting state of mind. Whether it’s fashion, music, or anything else that sells through trends, being uncool can be an expensive proposition. However, as they say in business, there’s always a market for everything. Even something as ephemeral as coolness has its own niche segment which traders can tap into to make money. This article focuses on how you can act like a cool trader and make money by investing in things like the latest fashion brands, music genres, and other things that are currently in vogue among youngsters. With the abundance of information available online about almost everything these days, it isn’t hard to research any potential niche markets before putting your money at risk.

What Exactly Is Cool?

Cool is an elusive and subjective concept. Generally, though, it refers to a person or thing that’s stylish or trendy. It can apply to almost all aspects of life, including fashion, music, and even investing. The word has been around since the late 17th century, though it didn’t gain wide usage until the Jazz Age of the 1920s, when it came to mean “infectious charm”. You can get a better idea of what it means in the context of investing from the New Oxford American Dictionary’s definition, which includes “popular or fashionable” and “pleasing or impressive”. Coolness is subjective, so you’ll have to decide for yourself whether any given investment is cool.

Investing in Fashion Brands

Investing in fashion brands is one of the easiest ways to act like a cool trader. It can also be one of the most profitable, as many of these fashion brands are traded on the stock market. While you can find information about many of the major fashion brands online and in the newspapers, you’ll likely want to hire a research assistant who’s well-versed in online media, trends, and culture. A good research assistant can not only help you find out what’s hot right now, but also track emerging trends that might become the next big thing. For example, if you follow fashion trends for the year 2020, you might find that new urban-wear fashions are starting to really take off in certain markets. If you invest in one of these brands now, you could potentially reap huge rewards in the future.

Investing in Music Genres

Investing in music genres is also a good way to act like a cool trader. The trick here is to focus on genres that are currently trending. For example, if you look at the charts, you’ll see that electronic dance music is currently trending, having knocked out rock and roll at the top of the charts. If you’re not sure how to go about researching the music charts, you can also just turn to Google. There are plenty of articles that delve into musical tastes and what’s popular with different demographics and cultures. You can also go to Reddit or other online forums where young people discuss music and other trends. You can also try joining online communities that focus on specific kinds of music.

Shifting Trends and Cultural Events

Investing in fashion brands and music genres is all about tracking shifting trends and cultural events. You can also try to find other areas where trends shift and affect the economy, like new inventions and scientific discoveries. For example, a team of scientists recently discovered ways to use artificial intelligence to manipulate and control the human brain. While there’s no way to know for sure if this will have an impact on the economy, it’s certain that it will affect many people’s lives. As more and more people become aware of this technology, there will likely be government and regulatory attempts to control it. If you invest in companies that make artificial intelligence or brain-control devices now, you could make a lot of money if they become regulated and are difficult to obtain.

How to Find Good Investments

You can find good investments in almost any sector, as long as you know where to look. If you want to act like a cool trader and use a particular segment of the market as a money-making strategy, then you’ll need to find ways to track that segment and study it. For example, if you want to invest in energy and electricity, you can start by tracking renewable energy sources like solar and wind farms. You can also start by following the latest developments in the energy sector, including things like regulatory changes and political speeches. If you pay attention to these kinds of things, you can often find investment opportunities before anyone else does. For example, if you follow the news, you might notice that the government is currently considering lowering taxes on electric utilities. You can bet that many electric utilities will make moves now to prepare themselves for a potential change in taxes. If you invest in an electric utility now, you might make a fortune when the taxes are finally lowered.


Cool is a fickle place to invest your money, but it can be profitable if you do your research and act quickly. Acting like a cool trader isn’t about being the first person to invest in something. It’s about being the first person to invest in something that’s about to become really popular. If you can find a way to track cultural shifts and invest in them before they become mainstream, you can make a fortune as an investor.