Why NOT Coin’s Growth is Limited: 3 Key Factors

The growth of NOT Coin has been substantial, but future expansion has some inherent limitations. Here's an analysis of the situation:

1. Popularity and User Base: NOT Coin is widely recognized, with over 35 million users on Telegram. This broad exposure makes it highly sought after, similar to Bitcoin, which thrives on public interest and awareness. People invest in it despite not fully understanding its fundamentals, driven by its high value and market momentum.

2. Supply Constraints: The coin can no longer be mined, with only 22% of the total supply left for new users. Two phases of mining have already been burned, which naturally restricts supply and is likely to push the price higher as scarcity increases.

3. Market Dynamics: Most of the supply has already been sold, making a return to the all-time low (ATL) prices seen after listing unlikely. However, like all assets, continuous growth without any price correction is unsustainable. A price adjustment will occur eventually to balance the market before any further increase.

While NOT Coin has significant potential, it is crucial to anticipate and prepare for market corrections as part of its growth cycle.

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