‼️ #IOprediction

Binance just listed #IO coin,

There are few things you must understand before buying for longterm,

Project is pretty solid in terms of its functionality and utilities, which means it can go long way,

io.net the world’s largest decentralized AI computing network that allows machine learning engineers to access scalable distributed clusters at a small fraction of the cost of comparable centralized services.

At the moment around 95 Million IO coins are in circulation with pretty decent and ideal total supply of 800Million.

Now there is a simple rule to understand,

If a coin is roaming around $500Million MarketCap, it can easily hit $1Billion Cap.

Based on what IO coin offers, i will recommend to hold it for long term,

This coin has decent supply, trending technology and importantly good fundamentals. Although i didn’t participate in launchpool, still i will start accumulating and DCA my position in spot, dyor

#ZeusInCrypto $BTC $ETH $IO