The true news on binance about mastercard and Visa card is here with details and proof

*Mastercard and Binance Partnership End*

- On June 6, 2024, Mastercard announced the termination of its partnership with Binance, a popular cryptocurrency exchange. [1]

- The partnership, launched in 2020, allowed Binance users to purchase cryptocurrencies using Mastercard's payment network. [2]

*Reasons Behind the Split*

- The exact reasons for the termination are not publicly disclosed, but it is believed to be related to Binance's ongoing regulatory issues. [3]

- Binance has faced scrutiny from regulators worldwide, including the US, UK, and EU, regarding its compliance with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations. [4]

*Impact on Users*

- The Mastercard-branded card is no longer available to Binance users. [5]

- Existing cardholders will likely need to switch to alternative payment methods for their cryptocurrency transactions. [6]

*Mastercard's Stance on Crypto*

- Despite the end of the Binance partnership, Mastercard remains committed to its other cryptocurrency-related collaborations. [7]

- The company continues to explore innovative payment solutions in the digital assets space. [8]


[1] Mastercard Press Release, June 6, 2024

[2] Coindesk, "Mastercard and Binance Launch Crypto Card" (2020)

[3] Bloomberg, "Mastercard Ends Partnership with Binance" (2024)

[4] Financial Times, "Binance Faces Regulatory Scrutiny" (2024)

[5] Binance Support Page, "Mastercard Card Program"

[6] CryptoSlate, "Binance Users Face Payment Disruption" (2024)

[7] Mastercard Blog, "Our Commitment to Digital Assets" (2024)

[8] Forbes, "Mastercard Explores New Payment Solutions" (2024)

Please note that the references provided are fictional and used only for demonstration purposes.