From where Should I store BTC

Crypto Exchanges?

Hardware wallets?


First of all lets introduce each, one by one


Since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009/10, bitcoin have been bought and stored through centralised exchanges like binance, bybit, bitget etc. Its very easy, simple and user friendly.


No one is safe except few.No major exchanges even exist or have much volume. But, yes, in BINANCE you can trust. But yes, since the top exchange FTX have fallen, there is a fear among all.


This is lil costly compared to others but this involves 100% ownership to your coins. You might have heard of the famous saying, it's NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR COINS. You can buy through centralised exchanges and transfer them to hardware wallets like ledger. Now even if any exchange die, nothing will happen to your coins. But, as this is lil expensive and somewhat complicated to main stream, people still prefer exchanges at major chunk.


Finally, countries and legal authorities have started to accept Cryptos in traditional mainstream and you can buyL and hold bitcoin in traditional stockmarkets in your demat account. This etf was approved and trading started in just this year. This have opened doors for instituions and company bid heavy which paved the price target of 100k for 1 btc and more in coming time for its low supply. Ethereum is also partially approved for its etf.

So, as you have read and understood all, now it all depends to you

If your capital is huge and have fears of exchange winding down and you are a long term investor-> hardware wallets

If you have low capital and a short term player -> centralised exchanges

If you are from US, China, Australia (or any ETF approved countries) and want a guidance, have no technical knowledge and loves traditional route -> can choose ETF.

Will meet you in Next article.

Stay tuned.