• Sponsored Consensus 2024
• Launched Burning Dashboard + Burned 4.7M DEFI
• Announced DeFi World 2024 + Covering Trip Costs
• Improved Accelerator Rank System
• Launched new Accelerator Raises

Progress Recap

1. First things first

Last week we launched a DEFI burning dashboard so you can track DEFI burning in real time!

To track DEFI burning live simply access: https://de.fi/DEFItoken/burningDashboard

We've burned over 10M DEFI so far!🤯🔥https://x.com/DeFi/status/1795818806948028901

2. In the last 2 weeks, we also burned a record amount of DEFI!

We burned over 4.7M DEFI tokens.🔥

DEFI burning is aimed at fostering its long-term growth.

Check the burning transactions here:


3. Everyone likes fights. Why not sponsor them?

Sponsoring crypto influencers fights at @consensus2024 was not on our bucket list for this year but here we go!

Have you watched the fights, De.Fiers? 😁

Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments 👇

4. Recently we announced DeFi World: the largest web3 conference in Thailand 2024

The best part?

We are looking for 15-20 De.Fiers to join our team at DeFi World 2024!

Keep reading 👇

What we offer:

• Free flight to Bangkok
• Free hotel
• Access to DeFi World 2024 & VIP dinner

Our requirement:

• Just be a sweet fellow De.Fier 💙😘

Here's how to participate 👇


5. Now, last but FOR SURE not least! Accelerator!

Exclusive Seed Round of Atomiq, the project founded by former $USDT Tether & Bitfinex...

And more!

In the last 2 weeks, we've made quite progress with raises on our Accelerator with even more exclusive raises waiting for us in June!

How not to miss them?

Read about our updated Accelerator Ranks threshold:

I Rank: 20,000 AP
II Rank: 100,000 AP
III Rank: 200,000 AP
IV Rank: 1,000,000 AP


6. But that's not all the updates we've had in the last 2 weeks!

Read our full Late May Development Recap for a complete list of updates: https://de.fi/blog/4-7m-defi-burned-consensus-2024-sponsorship-de-fi-world-2024-more-late-may-development-recap

See you on the other side of DeFi revolution, De.Fiers! 💙