L2 Blockchain Explanation:

Definition: #Layer2 (L2) refers to any off-chain network, system, or technology built on top of a blockchain to extend its capabilities.

Purpose: L2 solutions aim to improve scalability, privacy, and other characteristics of the underlying blockchain (Layer 1).

Examples: State channels, sidechains, optimistic rollups, and zero-knowledge roll-ups are common L2 solutions.

Implementation: L2 networks bundle multiple off-chain transactions into a single layer 1 transaction, reducing fees and increasing transaction throughput.

Resource: You can explore more about L2 blockchain on ethereum.org.

L3 Blockchain Explanation:

Definition: #Layer3 (L3) blockchains are highly customizable and application-specific blockchains built on top of Layer 2 (L2) protocols.

Purpose: L3 blockchains cater to decentralized applications requiring customized functionality like privacy or hyper-scalability.

Implementation: L3 blockchains may prioritize scalability over decentralization to meet specific application needs.

Example: Orbs, a Layer 3 blockchain, focuses on addressing scalability issues faced by existing Layer 1 and Layer 2 protocols.

Resource: For more insights on L3 blockchain, visit Techopedia.

By understanding the distinctions between L2 and L3 blockchains, you can grasp how each layer contributes to enhancing blockchain technology for various applications and use cases.