Been a while since i last posted - been riding the #BTC waves again this week to almost perfection. I think im gonna skip tomorrow a bit as Saturdays after month end is normally negative - and i have a wedding to shoot đŸ€Ł so cant focus here, Perhaps sunday will be good. However , just my 5 cents.

With all the positive market sentiment one would hope that we would break the ath and naturally make a new one - everyone is so bullish with 80k plus predictions , and as much as im horny to go for it , im just the whole time concerned that we still didn’t see that 40 % plus drop - a 5 or 10k drop is not really a drop , its just a shake out - and currently we just playing small minded games .I guess we not gonna see 40k again as we have a-lot of huge institutions that pitched in - but we are gonna have a surprise one of these days i think because what goes up , must come down eventually - and currently its just gambling looking at the graph. But ey , one can always hope you guess right and just ride the waves without too much of risk , but also the lovely reward wont be much , but every bit counts.

Anyways if you read this post , how was your week? Let me know where you think bitcoin is heading ?