Getting significant profits in trading involves a combination of strategy, discipline, and knowledge. Here are some essential tips to maximize your trading success:

1. **Educate Yourself:** Understand the markets you’re trading in. Learn the basics of technical and fundamental analysis.

2. **Develop a Strategy:** Whether it's day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing, having a clear plan is crucial.

3. **Risk Management:** Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Use stop-loss orders to protect your investments.

4. **Diversify:** Spread your investments across different assets to minimize risk.

5. **Stay Informed:** Keep up with market news and trends. Events can greatly impact market movements.

6. **Emotion Control:** Avoid making impulsive decisions based on fear or greed. Stick to your plan.

7. **Regular Reviews:** Assess your trades regularly to understand what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your strategies as needed.

8. **Leverage with Caution:** While leveraging can amplify profits, it can also amplify losses. Use leverage judiciously.

9. **Continuous Learning:** Markets evolve, and so should your knowledge. Stay curious and keep learning.

Remember, there are no guarantees in trading, and all investments carry risk. Be prudent and trade responsibly.