MANTA Where is the target of the big cycle structure? After the retracement, there will be a five-fold and ten-fold expected target of 8! When can we enter the market? Will the early ace project be the dark horse of 24 years? Has the M-top structure been completed and stopped falling? First, Lao Ai’s trading plan in manta is expected at the end of the article!


M-top structure target:

Manta is a hot coin that we have been playing with for the past two months. The last idea is also a cycle of chasing short ideas. If it rebounds to 3.1, it will continue to be short. If it can’t go up, it will be a double-shoulder M-top structure. If the structure is established, it can see 1.8. It must be possible to enter the market around 0.8.

At present, this structural target is basically completed, and it happens that the manta project has taken action, so Lao Ai will start it again.

1. Daily level entry position 1.5 1 0.8 these places can still be traded [the cycle is mainly spot, the contract is short-term thinking first]

2. 1h level is divided into 1.38-1.84 intervals, the current high support is 1.66

1.55 does not fall below, continue to look at an upward structure, the target is 2.2 2.3

3. The neckline position 2.2 stands on the m-top structure to stop the decline, the callback ends and looks at the next round of rise, the neckline support covers the position!

[Divided into three trading plans: daily, short-term, and breakthrough]

The future prospects of manata! ##MantaRWA生态

Manta Network is the 44th project of Binance's new coin mining, a modular L2 for ZK applications. It is also a project that has experienced a bull-bear conversion cycle. Those who follow#DOTare no strangers to this former head project on Polkadot.

a. Manta Network is a gateway for modular ZK applications, which uses modular blockchain and zkEVM to establish a new paradigm for L2 smart contract platforms.

b. Manta Pacific solves the usability problem through modular infrastructure design, allowing modular DA and zkEVM to integrate