🚀Breaking: The U.S. Supreme Court just gave a big thumbs up to Dogecoin holders in a dispute with Coinbase over a sweepstakes promo. Coinbase wanted arbitration, users wanted court, and guess who won? The users! 🎉

In a twist of events, the Supreme Court ruled that courts, not arbitrators, should decide if Coinbase's first agreement was overridden by the second. The court dismissed Coinbase's claim that this could "invite chaos". They said, "We do not believe that such chaos will follow". 😂

Meanwhile, Coinbase is dealing with a significant outage affecting its trading services. But don't worry, your funds are safe, they say. 🙄

What do you think about this ruling? Is it a victory for users or a setback for crypto exchanges? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews