First, let's look at the current situation of SHIB as of November 28, 2023. According to CoinMarketCap¹, SHIB has a price of $0.0000082, a market cap of $4.8 billion, a circulating supply of 589.3 trillion, and a total supply of 1 quadrillion. This means that SHIB would need to increase by a factor of 122,000 to reach $1, which would imply a market cap of $589.3 trillion, or more than 500 times the current global GDP². This is obviously unrealistic and impossible, unless there is a massive hyperinflation of fiat currencies or a drastic reduction of SHIB supply.

One way to reduce the supply of SHIB is to burn some tokens, which means to permanently remove them from circulation. This would increase the scarcity and value of the remaining tokens, as well as the confidence and loyalty of the holders. SHIB has already experienced some token burns in the past, such as when the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, burned 90% of his SHIB holdings (worth about $6.7 billion at the time) in May 2021³, or when the SHIB team burned $25,000 worth of SHIB in August 2021⁴. However, these burns were not enough to significantly affect the price of SHIB, as the supply is still too large.

To estimate how much SHIB would need to be burned to reach $1, we can use a simple formula:

`Price = Market Cap / Supply`

Assuming that the market cap of SHIB remains constant at $4.8 billion, and that the price target is $1, we can solve for the supply:

`Supply = Market Cap / Price = $4.8 billion / $1 = 4.8 billion`

This means that SHIB would need to burn 99.999% of its current circulating supply, or 589.3 trillion - 4.8 billion = 589.2952 trillion tokens, to reach $1. This is equivalent to burning $4.8 billion worth of SHIB at the current price. This is a very extreme and unlikely scenario, as it would require a huge amount of resources, coordination, and consensus among the SHIB community, as well as the risk of losing the network effect and popularity of SHIB.

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