The evolution of the Blockchain technology has changed many industries over time. It offers decentralized, secure, and transparent solutions to the market. In order to understand how blockchain works, it’s helpful to think about it in layers. 

There are three main layers: Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3. We’ll ahead explain what each layer does, how they differ, and how they impact the market.

Let’s get into it

Layer 1 also known as the base layer stands as the backbone of the blockchain network. It includes all the components that make the structure work. Key aspects of L1 are consensus mechanisms, scalability, transaction speed and cost, and security.

Consensus mechanisms are protocols that ensure everyone in the network agrees on the validity of transactions. Common methods include Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). 

The Proof of Work (PoW) is used by Bitcoin (BTC). It requires miners to solve complex puzzles. This allows them to validate transactions. It is secure but can be slow and resource-intensive. On the other hand, Proof of Stake (PoS) is used by blockchains like Ethereum. It relies on validators who own a stake in the network. These validators confirm transactions based on the number of coins they hold. This method is faster and uses less energy than PoW.


As blockchain networks grow, they need to handle more transactions. However, this can slow down the system. Layer 1 addresses this with scalability solutions. Ethereum is developing “sharding,” which is a method that splits the network into smaller parts (shards) to process transactions simultaneously. This improves speed and efficiency.

Transaction speed

Traditional blockchains like Bitcoin often have slow transaction speeds and high fees. However, newer Layer 1 blockchain, such as Solana and Polkadot, are designed to offer faster transactions and lower fees, enhancing user experience.

Talking about security

Security is crucial in Layer 1. Blockchain’s decentralized nature makes it secure, but it also requires robust measures to protect against attacks. These include cryptographic algorithms to ensure data privacy and immutability, meaning once data is recorded, it cannot be altered.

What is Layer 2?

Layer 2 builds on Layer 1 to improve scalability and add new features. It handles transactions off the main blockchain (Layer 1) and then records them back on Layer 1. It reduces congestion and speeds up the network.

Scalability moves

Layer 2 solutions, such as sidechains and state channels, help manage more transactions:

There are state Channels that allow users to conduct multiple transactions off-chain. They only record the final state on Layer 1. This reduces the load on the main blockchain and speeds up the process. Independent blockchains that work alongside the main Layer 1 blockchain. They handle transactions independently but remain interoperable with Layer 1, enhancing throughput.


L 2 also enables more complex smart contracts and decentralized applications. By offloading some processes to Layer 2, Layer 1 can focus on core functionalities. It benefits from the added capabilities of Layer 2 solutions.

What is Layer 3?

Layer 3 is about making different blockchain networks work together. It ensures seamless interaction and asset transfer between various blockchains. It creates a more connected and versatile ecosystem.

Challenges it’s facing?

Different blockchains often operate in isolation. Layer 3 solutions implement standards and protocols to enable asset and data transfer across these blockchains, solving compatibility issues.

Layer 3 uses technologies like atomic swaps and cross-chain smart contracts to facilitate secure and transparent exchanges of value and data. These technologies ensure that transactions are processed smoothly, regardless of the underlying blockchain protocols.

By enabling interoperability, Layer 3 solutions significantly boost the efficiency and flexibility of the blockchain ecosystem, allowing for more innovative and integrated decentralized applications.

Impact on the Market

The three-layered blockchain structure impacts the market:

Layer 1, the Base

Layer 1 blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum have established themselves as valuable assets and foundational technologies. They have attracted investment and attention. It drives the development of blockchain technology.

Layer 2, enhancing efficiency

Layer 2 solutions address the scalability limitations of Layer 1 blockchains, enabling faster transactions and the development of more complex applications. This layer has been crucial in the growth of sectors like decentralized finance (DeFi).

Layer 3 moves

Layer 3 solutions enhance the blockchain ecosystem by enabling different networks to interact seamlessly. This opens up new possibilities for decentralized applications and cross-chain transactions, fostering a more interconnected and versatile market.

DeFi applications built on Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains offer innovative financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading without traditional intermediaries. Blockchain’s transparency and immutability help companies track and verify product authenticity and provenance, reducing the risk of counterfeiting and fraud.