following the collaboration with the FLIPSTER Trading app,the much anticipated Over wallet MAINNET launch might be one of their biggest failures.

most AFRICAN Countries are not listed as part of the residency which begs the question why would the Over Team choose FLIPSTER app for verification while they have Big Exchanges like OKX which has higher download than their recent collaboration,it's sad they've not learn anything from the likes of ICE Network.

with major Crypto gurus countries like Nigeria and Kenya being excluded from the participation clearly indicates that it will be over before MAINNET launch.

my predictions are it will start will frustrated enthusiastic members deleting the app leaving a huge mergin of tokens to be burnt and with my predicted listing price of 0.5$ it will deep to below 0.000*7 before it's all Over.

i will save your time and energy and confirm that contacting the FLIPSTER Customer service will just lead you to talking to an Automated bot that's of no help.don't waste your energy.The Over Team on the other side remain silent in most of the platforms.


#OverProtocol #Overwallet