Codebase upgrade for Hedera!

Services software version v0.49 🦾

Makes things a whole lot easier for developers to build on the Hedera network.

This substantially refactored version has been  “modularized”, developed, and delivered through extensive work over the past 12 months

- A Simplified and Scalable Codebase:

The key driver behind modularization was to simplify the Hedera codebase, making it more accessible for collaboration, particularly from external developers.

- More Flexibility and Stability:

This architecture opens the door for future developments like synchronous mode operation, offering developers the potential to use tools like Hardhat to operate a "test" Hedera node, closely mirroring operational dynamics in platforms like #Ethereum

The update eliminates classes of issues that were previously encountered, thus increasing the overall robustness of the network.

The revamped services software offers a more intuitive and accessible codebase for contributions. 

This makes it simpler for developers to understand and use the code they need to create their projects.

On top of that, the new codebase is more stable and flexible. Think of it like a building with a stronger foundation and more room for customization.

And of course, Hedera put the update through rigorous testing to make sure everything runs smoothly.

#Hedera #hbar $HBAR