VERTUS is a new project on the TON blockchain!

The project has just started! Don’t miss the chance to get an AirDrop!

The work algorithm is the same as in HOT and the like. We go in once every 2 hours and press the button, there are also boosts and tasks.

🚀 Functionality overview

Main screen

We have 4 blocks: Balance in $, amount of VERT on the balance in the application, amount of VERT in storage, and Porfolio.

The $ balance is considered at the price of all assets at the moment, for example 5 TON — 25 $. The transfer button takes us to the menu for sending assets to other addresses.

VERT balance is the amount of coins in the app available for withdrawal or pumping. When pressed, the withdrawal of VERT to the wallet will be unlocked in a few days. There is no user option to return from the wallet back to the application.

Storage and Portfolio simply show how much vert is in storage and how many coins are in the balance, respectively. When we click on storage, we get to the second screen. There is also a QR code button at the top, which is the user’s address in the TON network.

✅The young team of developers answered the most important questions.

Whose feast is the holiday for?We will cooperate with advertisers, and in the future, the token will be used for infrastructure projects, so it will acquire intrinsic valueAre attachments required?You can’t buy anything from us with real money, you can only make a deposit of TON to pay commissions, but a maximum of 0.1–0.2 TON will be enough for everything. And withdraw it in the same way, because we have a full-fledged crypto wallet. And there will also be gas free missions, so the deposit is basically optional.Let’s fly before it’s too late👉TELEGRAM BOT "VERTUS”

Humble request a lot of hard work is done for this information.. so join the above link on telegram and follow me if you agree the information is valid.. we will consider this a tip to our hard work thanks