No? Let the following have an effect on you:

In about 9 years, less than 1 Bitcoin  per block will be issued for the first time since the Bitcoin network has existed. It all started in 2009 with 50 Bitcoin, became single digits in 2020 and 2032 is the first time 0 is in front of the dot with exactly 0.78125 Bitcoin.

For us, this will already mean a significant supply shock, which we are going to feel massively.

But hold on:

104 years later, when there are very likely significantly more people than there are today and only 1 Satoshi is released per block, this fresh supply of Bitcoin will be 625,000,000 times lower than it is today and 78,125,000 times lower than the fresh supply in 9 years, when the block subsidy falls below 1 Bitcoin for the first time.

99.9999% less supply to finally dry up totally just four years later, forever.

Bitcoin is meant to be spent and used because it is by definition a P2P electronic cash system and that is the only way the network grows. But I find fascinating the idea that if we spend 10000 Satoshis today for a beer from a Lightning beer tap, this will be 10000 blocks of subsidy in the future and a little later even infinite blocks, since no block will ever emit just one new Satoshi. Let that sink in.

Collect Bitcoin. For yourselves, your children and your children's children.

#GOATMoments #Binanceturns6 #BinanceTournament #crypto2023 #orignalcontent