Bitcoin Exchange Binance Delists 4 Coin Pairs!

Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it will delist 4 trading pairs from spot transactions.

With its official statement on Wednesday, May 22, Binance announced that it will delist four trading pairs of cryptocurrencies Injective (INJ), GMT (GMT), Memecoin (MEME), Synthetix (SNX) and Synapse (SYN) from spot transactions.

According to the statement, Binance will remove INJ/TUSD, MEME/TUSD, SNX/ETH and SYN/BTC trading pairs from spot transactions as of 06:00 on May 24 and will stop trading. It was stated that trading bots identical to the trading pairs will also be closed in parallel.

Binance also said users will be able to continue trading other trading pairs for those assets on the platform.