Abusive Reaction from Musk to Companies Withdrawing Their Ads.

#ElonMusk , owner of the social media platform X, reacted to companies that stopped advertising to his company with abusive words.

Space transportation company #SpaceX , electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla and Elon Musk, owner of the X social media platform formerly known as Twitter, attended the New York Times' 2023 DealBook Summit. Musk, who was reminded that he was accused of having an "antisemitic" attitude in his response to a social media user two weeks ago, said, "One of the worst and stupidest things I have ever done. I am sorry for that post."

In response to his post, Musk reacted harshly to companies that removed their ads from the X platform, using abusive language.

Stating that advertisers were trying to "blackmail" him with money, Musk said, "Don't advertise." Stating that the decision of some large companies to stop advertising "could bring about the end of the company", Musk said, "The whole world will know that these advertisers killed the company."

#Musk , who recently went to Israel with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the conflict-damaged areas, stated that his visit was not an "apology tour".