The bill HR 4763, which aims to amend the Financial Innovation and Technologies of the 21st Century Act, seeks to bring significant changes to the regulatory landscape for crypto assets in the United States. Here are the key aspects and potential impacts of the bill:

1. Regulatory Clarity

  • Division of Powers: The bill proposes to clearly delineate the responsibilities between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The SEC will oversee assets recognized as securities, while the CFTC will regulate those considered commodities.

  • Functional and Decentralized Assets: Digital assets that are deemed functional and decentralized will be categorized as commodities, potentially falling under the CFTC's jurisdiction. Other assets may be classified as securities and thus regulated by the SEC.

2. Issuer Control Limitations

  • Control and Voting Rights: The bill stipulates that no issuer can control more than 20% of a digital asset or have voting rights exceeding this percentage. This aims to encourage a broader distribution of coins and greater community ownership, reducing the concentration of control among founders and initial investors.

3. User Protection Measures

  • Segregation of Client Funds: The bill introduces requirements for the separation of client funds to protect users in case of insolvency or fraud.

  • Limits on Annual Token Sales: There will be restrictions on the volume of token sales that can be conducted annually, which could prevent excessive market dilution and price manipulation.

  • Disclosure Obligations: Issuers will be required to provide more comprehensive disclosures to ensure transparency and protect investors.

4. Potential Impacts

  • Market Dynamics: By clarifying the regulatory environment and promoting greater decentralization, the bill could lead to increased investor confidence and participation in the crypto market.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Crypto projects may need to adjust their structures and operations to comply with new regulations, particularly in terms of token distribution and control.

  • Innovation and Adoption: Clear regulations could foster innovation by providing a stable legal framework, encouraging more projects and investments in the sector.


The proposed bill HR 4763 represents a significant step towards establishing a clearer and more structured regulatory framework for digital assets in the US. By defining the roles of the SEC and CFTC, limiting issuer control, and enhancing user protections, the bill aims to create a more transparent and secure environment for the growth of the crypto industry. The review of the document at the end of May will be crucial in determining its final form and impact.

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