We have discovered that our competitor is misusing our Telegram BOT link and attempting to lure users into participating in private sales to defraud them of their money. 

Attention all Yescoiners:

Always use the official bot link: It is crucial that you access our services solely through our official bot. This is vital for protecting your assets and personal information! 

This is not the first time our community has been targeted by malicious attacks, nor is it the first time they have scammed users. Whether it was the previous impersonations of an Notcoin official project or attacks on our servers and threats to our community members, today they are also exploiting our bot to commit fraud. Such behavior is despicable, truly fraudulent, and infuriating! 😡

We call upon our industry and ecosystem partners to be vigilant. Our achievements are built on the trust of our community and on the trust of many more industry partners. As our user base grows, the responsibility to protect our community becomes even more significant. We cannot and will not tolerate behavior that damages the ecosystem and defrauds users. 

Every Yescoiner, please remain vigilant and protect your assets!  ⚠Your safety is our utmost priority. We urge you to stay tuned to our official Twitter and Telegram announcements. Please be aware of any links that do not originate from official Yescoin sources and avoid transactions with unofficial Yescoin assets to prevent fraud and potential losses. 

Protect yourself, protect our community! It's time to say no to scams, it's time to say YES to what's real!

#Yescoin #yescoiner #scamalert