$SANTOS For international investors ✨

What or who is Santos?

Santos is not a middle aged rich man with a mustache living on the French Riviera 🙂 Santos is a Pro Football team from Brazil playing in Serie B (the second decision). How did this fan token make its way to leading bot strategies? I have no clue but you have to give them credit KUDOS to the digital team at Santos who created a fan token that competes with leading world football teams like ManCity, PSG, and others ✌🏻

I regularly check out this token without knowing their current match scores (which I should) for two main reasons: A) It is relatively volatile and has a good track record with spot grid bot strategies, and B) The trading volume and book orders are solid despite the wide spread 🤦🏻‍♂️

In other words if you are a daily trader keep an eye on Santos, if you buy and hold and wait for signals look somewhere else ✊🏻
