The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) finally approved 11 new #BTCETFS on January 11, 2024.

A Spot #BTCETFS allows investors to gain subjection to the current price of #BTC without having to hold the asset itself.

#BTC has been one of the magnificent-performing assets over the last decade, rising from a peer to peer payment network to a global currency.

Considering the hassle you have to go through to own #BTC - exchange accounts, digital wallets, private keys, network transfers, etc. #BTCETFS make it easier for new investors and traders to buy and sell an asset tied to the current value of #BTC without holding #BTC .

With 100% of assets invested directly and big brands behind it, #BTCETFS is a major game changer in the space. This could see #BTC increasing volatility and help stabilize prices over a long term.

Although spot #BTCETFS might cost less in the short term, the annual expense may make it more expensive to own versus storing #BTC yourself.

When you own actual #BTC , you can use your holdings in ways that are unique to cryptocurrency. For Eg, you can send #BTC to other person worldwide as payment. You can't send your #BTCEFTS holdings.

Research and analyze your desired assets before making an investment #ETFvsBTC .