DECIMATED, a groundbreaking online game, is set to revolutionize the digital gaming landscape. The game, set in a dystopian future, offers players an immersive experience where they can shape their own destiny as human survivors or cyborg law enforcers. DECIMATED's rich narrative is enhanced by a real-time digital economy, powered by the DIO token, which rewards players for their in-game decisions and efforts.

The game, developed by Fracture Labs, received an Epic Mega Grant and was backed by 46 investors, including Mechanism Capital, Spartan Capital, and Polygon Ventures. It has a growing community of 60k Twitter followers and 23k Discord members.

DECIMATED recently confirmed its sponsorship of Token2049 Dubai, highlighting its commitment to innovation and the digital economy. The game is set to be listed on the Epic Games Store in May 2024, with an open alpha release expected by the end of the year.