Long and short double kill‼ Going short at 65200 and go long at 60800, complete long and short double kill‼ ️80,000 u easily won🤑🤑This wave of Bitcoin bull-bear dividing line 65200 is publicly given to everyone. I did not short Bitcoin, but did it on Ethereum according to the trend of Bitcoin. I did long on Ethereum at 3212, and then completed an increase in position during the decline, so the average price came to 3168.So I also mentioned the pressure level of 3168 in my previous article. The previous article also mentioned the pressure level of 3220, so both articles have made the pressure level very clear. The pressure level of Ethereum is between 3168 and 3220, so this time the highest point of Ethereum's rise came to 3200. 19, so our short order entered the market accurately. Then I held the short order for three whole days, and I was waiting for the bottom to appear. We thought there might be a big crash before, because we definitely hope to receive the lowest point when we take the long order. So we assumed that a big crash would occur, and we thought that the extreme difference increase of the big crash would be in the area of ​​2758~2688. Then yesterday was the third day of our short position. So we prepared two plans at that time. The first plan was that if a big crash occurred, the difference would be in the area of ​​2758~2688, and we would go to another room to connect to the other room without a big crash. Ah, then we paid in to connect to the long position at 2958, which was slowly falling. I have written about this in my articles. One situation is a crash, and there is no crash and a slow decline. There are two long positions. Because there is no market that can be predicted absolutely, there is only a trading plan that can absolutely deal with the market. This is a sentence I often say to everyone, so at this time we give everyone two plans, one is to connect to the long position at 2958 if there is no big crash, and the other is to connect to the long position at 2758 to 2688 if there is a big crash. Then yesterday, at the new unbroken lowest pin 2958, we came to the first support level I gave you. It was written in the previous article, and you can go and see that the first support level given to you is 2928~2958. Yesterday, the lowest point reached 2956, which just hit our first support level. So we entered the market with long orders, completing a wave of long and short kills.#BinanceLaunchpool #BTC_MARKET_UPDATE #Altacoins