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Coin name:


Signal type

Long (bullish)

Why I think LUNC will go upside?

I will explain everything read my full post carefully.

1. As you can see LUNC created a falling wadge 4h and daily time frame. Technically falling wadge is bullish pattern. I think LUNC will go upside hardly.

2. Watchout daily RSI are following a trendline. If this trendline breaks then lunc will go upside surely .

3. All major coin are pumping so that lunc one of them I think this coin will pump soon.

when I will open long position?

I will open long position now.

My entry price is - 0.0000831

when I will close my trade ?

1st Tp- 0.00008674

2nd tp - 0.0000905

3rd TP- 0.000095

SL- 0.000077

Lunc can go more to the upside.

Note- leverage 10x.

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