Hi Guys,

It's Big & Big #SELL✈️🚀✈️ in May & Go Away !!

What is Sell in May and Go Away?

With the market collapse, the investors are heading for the Sell in May and Go Away investment strategy. But it's not the right approach, why? 

Sell in May and go away is a popular season trade strategy in the Stock market where the traders sell their assets shortly after 1st May and rebuy them after 31st October.

This thought of selling the assets in May was introduced in the 1970s by a market strategist known as Alfred Fielding. He uncovered his method after his company went bankrupt in 1974.

As per this technique, the months between November and April are the best months for investments. So, as April ends, the investors can opt to sell their assets and wait till October to rebuy the assets back.

In simple terms, Sell in May and Go Away is a selling technique where the investor takes advantage of volatility in the market during May Month to make quick profits.

Though the term was introduced for the stock market, its adaptation is also present in the crypto market, highlighting a little correlation between these investment alternatives.

Is Sell in May and Go Away Work For Real?

Sell in May and go away makes a little sense because of the historical evidence, but there are better methods. From its introduction in 1974, a few years have followed this volatility pattern whereas the rest didn’t, creating mismatched opinions on the success of this strategy.

The best stock that backs up this theory is the S&P 500, listed by the Standard and Poorer’s ratings company. The S&P 500 performance from the 1960s revealed its return an average of 0.18% during May. For this stake, the summer months have performed less than the rest of the months, except July.


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