They’ve secured investments from the best: @borderless_cap, @Consensys, @jumpcapital and many more

Partnered with the largest companies in their field @animocabrands, @MercedesAMGF1, @jpmorgan

A lot more catalysts for this game changing tech


What exactly is Account Abstraction (AA)?

Account Abstraction is a revolutionary technology that simplifies on-chain operations and enhances security

It is designed to increase flexibility in the management and behavior of Ethereum accounts

It works by allowing a single contract account to both deal with tokens, and deploy smart contracts

Unlike traditional wallets, where users must manage multiple private keys and interact directly with smart contracts, AA shields users from these complexities.

This leads to benefits like:

• Social Recovery: Forget seed phrases! Recover accounts via social connections, email, or multi-signature setups.

• Flexible Transactions: Pay gas fees in any token, or have others sponsor your transactions.

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