⚠️ Super Mario Forever a game created by fans, has been downloaded 17 million times and is reported to infect players' PCs with malware capable of stealing information from their crypto wallets and discreetly installing mining software.

💠 Super Mario 3: Mario Forever is an old fangame that remade the classic NES game with an updated art style and some additional features. It was released in 2003 and saw development until 2013.

💠 However, more than a decade after the release of its final version, it appears that hackers have hijacked the game and are distributing a version infected with malware to unsuspecting players.

💠 The game installs a file that ultimately leads to the download and installation of:

• A background cryptocurrency miner for Monero (XMR).

• Umbral Stealer described by Cyble as a "lightweight and efficient information thief" targeting Eth, Zcash, and BTC wallets.