If you've lost below 100k, stop crying.

I've been seeing different posts lately about how people are crying over their losses. Until now, I haven't seen a single post from someone who lost even 10k, in one trade.

Some say that's all they had. LoL, really though?

You can't even imagine how many times I've lost thousands upon thousands in past cycles. Money comes and money goes. You're learning, it's a process. If you thought you weren't going to lose, that's a lie.

You will always experience losses in your first years. That's the truth.

But hey,

Setbacks are just setups for comebacks! Keep hustling, keep learning, and keep growing! The journey may be tough, but the lessons are worth it. Embrace the ups and downs because they mold you into a stronger, wiser investor.

Stay focused, stay resilient, and keep pushing forward!