1. Learn to make mistakes because they are not failures but experiences. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, but be afraid not to analyze them and the reasons why you made them in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

  2. Observe and study the work of successful #traders , study the markets and their mechanics, try to understand why successful traders react differently to many situations than the general public and market participants.

  3. Plan your time, how much time you spend on #trading, rest and self-development, so as not to burn out in all areas at once.

  4. Use analytics and technical analysis. Follow the mood of the markets to make the right decisions. Also, be realistic about your #profits . If your deposit is a thousand dollars, it is foolish assume that you can become a millionaire in a week by discovering some kind of X-Token. Keep yourself in shape and do not stress over trivial matters - everything will come in time. Those who persevere will eventually succeed.

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