Yves La Rose, the CEO of EOS Foundation, is gearing up to propose a fresh token economics strategy for the EOS network. As the ecosystem evolves, La Rose recognizes the need to address certain challenges and optimize the tokenomics to better serve the community and enhance the platform's functionality.

## 1. Concerns Over EOS RAM Burning

One of the key areas of focus is the burning of EOS RAM. La Rose has expressed concerns about the excessive consumption of RAM resources within the network. RAM is a critical component for EOS applications, as it enables efficient data access and transaction processing. However, the current rate of RAM depletion warrants a closer look.

## 2. Revisiting Token Economics

La Rose aims to propose a revised approach to EOS token economics. Here are some aspects he plans to address:

### a. EOS RAM Management

Efficient RAM management is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. La Rose intends to explore mechanisms that balance RAM usage while ensuring accessibility for developers and users. This may involve adjusting RAM allocation, incentivizing responsible usage, and optimizing resource utilization.

### b. Gas Fees and Utility

EOS EVM (EOS Virtual Machine) is on the horizon, and it will bring Ethereum-compatible smart contracts to the EOS network. To cover transaction fees (gas fees) on the EVM, EOS tokens will serve as the native gas token¹⁶. La Rose recognizes the importance of simplicity and utility, and leveraging EOS tokens for gas fees aligns with this vision.

### c. Trustless Bridge Between EOS Native and EVM

Interoperability between EOS native dApps and the EVM is essential. La Rose emphasizes the need for a trustless bridge that allows seamless movement of assets between the native layer and the EVM. Users won't rely on third-party oracles; instead, they can directly transfer tokens using the EOS EVM Contract (eosio.evm).

### d. Funding Core Development

La Rose proposes that EOS tokens contributed to the trustless bridge (e.g., for premium token names) be allocated toward core development projects. These funds can fuel improvements, enhancements, and innovations within the EOS ecosystem. It's a win-win: users get premium features, and the network benefits from sustainable development¹⁶.

## 3. Looking Ahead

As the EOS community eagerly awaits the launch of EOS EVM, La Rose's commitment to refining tokenomics demonstrates the foundation's dedication to continuous improvement. By addressing RAM challenges and optimizing resource allocation, EOS aims to remain a robust and developer-friendly blockchain platform.

Stay tuned for La Rose's official proposal, which promises to shape the future of EOS token economics and foster growth within the ecosystem! 🚀



(1) EOS EVM Tokenomics Deep Dive - EOS Network - EOS Network Foundation

(2) What Is EOS? | Binance Academy. https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-eos.

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