Gmmmmm Fellow Square Members🌄

Presenting the 6th episode of the #Aleo Pulse [Season 2], your one-stop hub for all things on Aleo, The first Fullstack blockchain powered by Zero Knowledge Proofs🚀

Let's begin with today's episode🚀

Community Call Updates

➡️The Community call was held last Wednesday at 20:00 IST @ Discord.

➡️The hosts were Viv and Eddie [AKA jigglyjams]

➡️According to Viv and Eddie,

  1. The loose-thoughts channel on Discord is open for discussions on any topic a community member might have.

  2. When a proposal is created at that channel, once it reaches 20 thumbs-ups, Maestros, Maestro-checkers, Validators and Voyagers can submit their votes and feedback to the corresponding proposal until it becomes a full ARC.

    [Apprentices are not able to perform any action as of now]

  3. When this ARC is created in the Proposals channel, it will consist of two links:

    🔷The first link opens the ARC in the governance app

    🔷The second one is only available to the proposal creator and a person who runs the /propose command, which is also known as the proposal sponsor.

    They are allowed to make necessary adjustments to the proposal.

  4. More people can also be added to be able to edit the corresponding ARC.

  5. A tutorial on how to work with governance is available in Discord at the loose-thoughts Channel.

  6. Currently, this is only allowed for users with Roles [Ambassadors, Aleo Team Members etc], but in the future people with Aleo credits will also be able to create proposals.

  7. Eddie also conducted a comprehensive explanation on how to work with the governance section.

Now, we move to some Core Engineering Updates:

Released Date: 29/03/2024


  1. ARC 0037 and 0038 have been implemented.

  2. ZKSecurity audit has been completed.

  3. Trails of Bits Audit is scheduled on the 1st of April, which is also completed as of press time.

  4. Feedback is expected to arrive within this week, and the audit will be released publicly once its completed.

  5. The coin base puzzle has been integrated into DevNET, while issues are on the fix.

  6. Tests around TX Cannon at 10 TPS for the Transfer_public function led to a halt of block generation in the network.

  7. Resetting the chain by 5 blocks and an async restart was done to reboot the network, the team is currently investigating this issue, as it remains part of the acceptance criteria.

  8. Validation Infrastructure is actively developed.

Next Week's Objectives:

  1. Completion of audits for ARC 0038/0037.

  2. Fix issues arising from the integration of the Coin base puzzle

  3. Commencing Coin base puzzle testing on Canary.

  4. Achieving 100% pass rates for the DevNET tests.

Next Week's Discussion Topics:

  1. Haruka mentioned that it may be possible to utilize the delegation program by calling methods in the credits.aleo program.

  2. Max from Arcane highlighted potential security issues around the transfer_public_as_signer method.

Howard from Provable said that wallet software should be handling this issue.

Devs on Aleo continue on a resolution in this regard as we speak.

  1. The new coin base puzzle will be utilizing a full Merkle puzzle rather than the vanilla multiscalar multiplication.

And, that's all for today :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask✌️

Do share this with our amazing #BullorBear Fam as well🚀

I'll see ya in the next episode🫡

Until then, LFG!