Why is my crypto portfolio constantly going down right now?

One of the reasons why all of your cryptocurrencies are going down right now is because this is one of the most volatile months of crypto ever.

And the reason behind that is simply because it is the month of the Bitcoin halving.

People are anticipating this to be the biggest month, the biggest rally we've ever seen, which is why many people are opening up longs and over-leveraged positions to get into the market. Now, exchanges and insiders in Wales, how do they make money from you retail? Well, understand that you can only open longs or shorts or futures positions on exchanges.

If you think all exchanges are angels, well, that's on you.

Long story short, a lot of people are trying to prepare to catch a over-leveraged long on Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies because this is the month of the big bull run.

But in reality, what's happening is every single day, every other day, and it's only been five days in April, there's a new flash dump or flash wick that gets your position out of the market.

So my personal opinion is that I don't think you should be over-leveraging into anything right now.

The safest picks are spot positions because well, long term, if you believe in them, totally up to you. You can't really get liquidated. And if you have low leverage positions, 1, 2, or 3, 5x leveraged positions, even 5 is pushing you.

1 to 3x is okay, in my personal opinion, if you believe the market's going to go up.

But as I've mentioned, for example, I talked about Aptos, Judy, Blink, everything a couple of days ago for April. Every single thing, if anybody entered, is at a loss.

And if you go read my square articles, I specifically wrote that you need to look for red days or red weeks, and that's currently what this is.

Now, a couple of weeks ago, I told everybody I'm anticipating Aptos to go all the way to these ranges on the next crash.

But if you go and blindly buy into something towards the top, I can't save you.

Yes, I added more to my spot position towards the top. Totally fine. Because I know and I believe in the project, so it's okay for me to do that. But if you go and over-leverage into anything, any over-leveraged long position, you are going to get wrecked. Because right now, the exchanges know that everybody wants to make money.

Well, how can they make money off of you is by taking away your money.

You're over-leveraged. They control the majority of the market with how much holdings they have with Bitcoin.

They might not say it, but every single theory backs up how Bitcoins move from wallet to wallet, from exchanges to exchanges.

It's not a coincidence that, oh, when everybody's bullish, it just so happens that all these longs get liquidated.

It happens every single time. Everybody's longing the market, and then everything pulls back. So stay safe. Learn how to play both sides of the market. And as always, follow, like, and comment. Leave a good tip of your choice..

Not financial advice.

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