#BTC is limited to 21 million coins and around the year 2140, miners will get the last bitcoin.

Every 210,000 blocks (about once every four years) the reward to a #miners for mining a new block is halved. At first it was 50 coins, then it dropped to 25, in 2016 to 12.5, and in 2020 it will be 6.25. Thus, the rate of cryptocurrency issuance is constantly decreasing, but sooner or later the last bitcoin will be mined and their number will be unchanged.

This does not mean that miners will turn off their farms and go to spend their earned bitcoins. The network will continue to operate through transaction fees. Every time you send a #transfer , you pay a certain amount for processing it.

In theory, everything will happen as written above. But new developments such as quantum computers can change the course of mining. In addition, bitcoin's transition to PoS mining cannot be ruled out. For example, Ethereum has already started the process of switching to #PoS