#ENA Good gracious!!

I always advice on never investing on new coins on their launch day on binance cos of sharp decline in price after launch as a result of massive sales for profits from early holders.

But I went against my own advice this time around for the very first time And I am swimming in profit And also had the perfect entry into $ENA

I thought sooner or later it would decline but it’s day 2 after launching and it ain’t slowing down.

What gave me the audacity to do something I bee never done ?!! Why did my call become so accurate?!!

1) thanks to a friend that taught and showed me a site one can use to discover or figure out next 100x gems. I came across top investors with investment already in #ENA even before it launched on binance and just knew this could be a great project

2) The market was bleeding 🩸 my portfolio was down . A new coin launch, what’s the worst that could happen?? . I was already bleeding money from the bear market.

Faak it…

Rotated some bags for ENA

Maybe it’s luck but either way never write of certain coins or underestimate the power of research.always DYOR

Information is Power in the world of crypto and ur guts could be right most times