A little $mfer update.

From Sartoshi:

«distribution sheets itemizing the allocation of mfercoin to artists, holders, & treasury (see clickable tabs at top with all breakdown sheets to see every distribution): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

the distribution includes all holders of the eos 'end of sartoshi' open edition artwork (the 'gn mfers' drawing inspired by the original 'gm mfers' drawing that led to mfers): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

the distribution includes 10 million mfercoin to the community treasury to do with however they see fit: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

0 mfercoin was reserved

no presale

20% distributed

80% went to lp with 3E added for start»

So I’ve bought this dip.. NFA! But I’m very bullish.. #mfer ‘s!