Doxxed team versus Anonymous team .

A doxxed team in the crypto space is a project team whose founders identities are made public , traceable and reachable . A good example of a doxxed team is #KimaNetwork #KIMA team . A doxxed team tend to have an edge over an anonymous team , because the confidence of investors and community members are always higher for a doxxed team .

But an anonymous team has the identity of its founders hidden and it's so difficult to trace. If anything goes wrong on a project with an anonymous team , there is next to nothing the investors and community members can do to get a redress .

#KimaNetwork all round growth cannot be separated from the fact that it has a doxxed team that can be reached out in case of any suspicion or mistrust in the course of its development .

Happy weekend and Easter holidays to everyone, especially the crypto community 😊