If I read all the posts usually I dont know what to do. Someone is for selling X coin, others for keeping it. Anyone can find arguments for/against. Noone shows there portofolio to know if they have an intrest or not. And to be honest, if a Company would pay you with XZY $, wouldnt you post whatever they whant? Becouse its just a post.

Thats why, i think its important to read what everyone is saying, but an investment should be done only doing our own reaserch. Blaming others for lost money wont help, because the money will remain lost.

If you found someone whos recomandations usually are corect, follow them and be influenced only by that person, but in this case too, dyor. Be influenced by results and good will, not by the things you wish to hear.

Noone can predict the future. And at the end of the day we have to make our own decisions. And in my case, its better to make a decision and to learn and evolve from it, even if I loose, then to let others decide and then regrete that I listned.

Have an ispired day!