The concepts of #FUD and #FOMO accompany traders and investors in cryptocurrencies every day. They appeared quite a long time ago and are used almost in all spheres of human life.

FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt), which translates as fear, uncertainty and doubt, is a common tactic of psychological manipulation that is widely used in marketing and propaganda. FUD techniques are all around us, such as notifying an anti-virus program to install updates or your computer will be at risk.

FUD tactics are universal because they can be aimed at creating a negative mood as well as a positive one. In the #cryptocurrency. market, it can be used to make you sell or buy an asset.

FOMO (Fear of missing out) or missed out syndrome - a strong fear of missing an important event or missing a good opportunity, can be the result of FUD.

In the crypto market, FOMO is an important factor for parabolic growth, that is, no tightrope walker is without it. It seems to the trader/investor that literally everyone is making a profit right now and so he buys despite the current price, often ignoring technical analysis data, important news and just common sense.