Bitcoin has a hard time in the Bundestag. Why the FDP's blockchain policy spokesman is nevertheless fighting for crypto. And he's also prepared to take flak for it.

FDP MP Frank Schäffler is enthusiastic about Bitcoin. No coincidence: The liberal is a follower of the Austrian school. Their credo: a separation between state and money is necessary. Bitcoin is a manifestation of this idea. In the Experts podcast, the politician talks about the topic in all its facets, from regulatory efforts and political sentiment to the danger posed by CBDCs.

Time is playing into the hands of supporters

The topic of cryptocurrencies is becoming more presentable in political circles, Schäffler says. And he also reveals: this is what citizens can do to drive political acceptance.

Crypto regulation: Where is Germany heading?

He sees the regulation of cryptocurrencies as positive, especially in the form of the recently passed European legislation MiCa and the Future Financing Act. Chaos like in the USA? Investors do not have to fear that here, according to Schäffler. Nonetheless, he continues to see sentiment from political groups that undermine the free-market motives of the crypto-economy. Vigilance is still called for.

The digital euro: "Caution at the edge of the platform".

Schäffler is sceptical about the European Central Bank's plans for a digital euro. There is a lack of concepts and arguments for it. And the risks are out of all proportion to the opportunities. If there is to be a digital euro, then please let it come from the private sector, says Schäffler.