
Lamar Olive Oil, a French company, has made history in the sustainable-agriculture industry by issuing an on-chain bond using Obligate, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform based in Switzerland. This groundbreaking move marks the first issuance denominated in Membrane Finance's EUROe, which is touted as the only EU-regulated crypto stablecoin.

The underwriting and structuring process for Lamar Olive Oil's bond was meticulously executed, encompassing credit evaluation and ongoing risk monitoring, overseen by Obligate's credit rating partner, Credora.

Obligate, built on the Polygon blockchain, offers valuable support to small and medium-sized enterprises by providing a secure and transparent avenue for issuing, tracking, and settling debt. With lowered thresholds for bond issuance, companies in developing and emerging markets can now access increased funding opportunities.

The utilization of smart contracts in this process effectively replaces the roles of the traditional bond issuer and paying agent in the settlement layer. Smart contracts enhance efficiency, security, and transparency, streamlining the entire bond issuance procedure.

This landmark event not only highlights the progressive adoption of blockchain technology in the finance sector but also showcases the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency stablecoins as a viable financial instrument. Membrane Finance's EUROe, being EU-regulated, ensures compliance and regulatory oversight, instilling trust and confidence in investors.

By leveraging the advantages of blockchain and DeFi, Lamar Olive Oil and Obligate have successfully paved the way for other sustainable-agriculture companies to explore alternative funding options and embrace the benefits of decentralized finance. This achievement represents a significant step forward in bridging traditional finance with the exciting world of blockchain technology.

The Lamar Olive Oil on-chain bond issuance sets a compelling precedent for the industry, demonstrating the transformative potential of blockchain-powered solutions in revolutionizing the way financial instruments are issued, managed, and traded. As blockchain adoption continues to gain momentum, we can expect further innovation and the emergence of new opportunities within the financial landscape.