🚀Chart Analysis for Floki and Bitcoin:

Why do I include Bitcoin in the Floki analysis? Because all coins more or less follow the Bitcoin price. Therefore, it's advisable to observe Bitcoin's behavior, even if you're not interested in investing in Bitcoin itself, because Bitcoin sets the pace for where things are headed. 📈

As seen in the chart below, Bitcoin is currently forming a strong support level between $62,300 and $60,800. This support prevents Bitcoin from dropping below $60k. The RSI and Stoch indicators at the bottom of the chart are showing buy signals. It's possible that Bitcoin may trade sideways for a while before making a strong upward move.

However, for small investors, Bitcoin isn't honestly attractive enough to make significant gains. That's why it's advisable to invest in a coin with a small market capitalization like Floki. With Floki, there's still a chance to make a lot of money with small investments. Floki is backed by a strong community that will drive the coin's value up significantly after the Bitcoin halving.

Floki exhibits similarities to Bitcoin. It's currently forming a strong support level between $0.000175 and $0.000160. The RSI and Stoch indicators are also showing buy signals. Similar to Bitcoin, it's possible that Floki may trade sideways in the near future before making a strong upward move.

Don't sell your Flokis at a loss; it's better to hold onto them. We're currently in a bull run, even if it doesn't seem like it. This bull run will continue for another 10 to 15 months. It's normal to experience downs of up to -35%, but don't panic. In a bull run, prices always rebound. Take a look at the past bull runs after each Bitcoin halving; it's crucial.

This is my personal analysis and not a recommendation to buy. 🚨

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