Cryptocurrency Investors over the world are hoping to see Cryptocurrency being integrated fully into the real world. With the likes of El Salvador making Bitcoin a legal tender, it appears that someday, we will have Cryptocurrency integrated into the payment system of most countries. 

However, we cannot ignore the fact that Governments of various Countries cannot just allow Cryptocurrency into their country's payment system without some measures. This is why we have seen increased regulatory attacks. Even if the Cryptocurrency world decides to give in to regulatory compliance, the next question should be, How friendly will the regulatory measures be? 

Taking India as a case study, we have seen taxation above 50% being implemented. Such outrageous taxation is not friendly and will force some investors to avoid the decentralized financial system of Cryptocurrency. 

Outside regulatory impacts on Cryptocurrency, we still have to consider how Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies will fit well in the world.  Considering its volatility, and the technicality behind its usage, you will agree with me that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies still need time before they can be fully part of the real world. Some petty traders can't handle its usage as a payment method because of the technicality behind it and the Volatility. 

I believe Bitcoin and Other Crypto assets will be part of the real world. With the rate at which new projects are springing up and offering real-world asset tokenization, I am sure the problem we will have is not its acceptance, but whether the regulatory measures will be favorable. 

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