🚀 Exciting news! ETHFI staking has concluded and has now made its debut on Binance! 🎉 With a staggering increase of 2213%, the price has skyrocketed to an impressive $5.32! 📈 Let's dive into some on-chain data analysis to uncover more about this remarkable journey:

📊 Total ETHFI in circulation stands at a billion, with approximately 115 million actively circulating.

1️⃣ The top ten addresses collectively hold a whopping 987,394,813 ETHFI, which is a staggering 98.73% of the total supply, showcasing significant concentration.

2️⃣ The fourth-largest holder, none other than Binance, boasts 28,420,226 ETHFI, making up 24.7% of the circulating supply! 🏦 In the last 24 hours alone, Binance has added 4,382,053 ETHFI, solidifying its position as the leading centralized exchange for ETHFI trading!

3️⃣ The sixth-largest holder is the renowned market maker, Amber Group, which received a substantial 8M ETHFI on March 17th. 🤝 Adding to the excitement, they've deposited an additional 800,000 ETHFI into the exchange within the last day!

4️⃣ Brother Sun emerges as a potential ETHFI champion! 💪 Depositing 120,000 ETH into #ethfimining just three days ago, he's reaped an astonishing reward of 345,1883 ETHFI, translating to a whopping profit of over $17.25 million! 💰🌞

The ETHFI saga continues to unfold, promising endless opportunities and surprises for crypto enthusiasts worldwide! 🌐 #ETHFI #Binance #加密货币 #质押 🚀Follow | Like ❤️ | Quote 🔄 | Comment